Would you love to explore 10 habits, that could help you slow aging?
Key Takeaway
- Limit hot shower / Avoid over washing
- Facial massage
- Excerise your brain
- Drink Tea
- Eat antioxidant rich food
- Anti aging skincare
- Laugh often
- Manage stress level
- Incorporate omega -3 fatty acids
- Stay hydrated
- Stay socially active
11 Anti Aging Tip : For Ways To Look Younger
- Limit hot shower/Avoid over washing
Too much of over washing and hot shower causes the skin dryness, flakiness and a even itchiness. This because hot shower disrupt the natural barrier which keep the skin moisturizer.
It been suggested, you use lukewarm water to preserve skin hydration. also, wash or cleanse your face twice a day to avoid dehydration.
- Facial massage
As they blood flow, there's an increase in collagen production. Which is a protein that helps prevent sagging skin.
Facial cream moisturizer ( Contains ; Resveratol & peptides, good for a facial massage )
- Excerise your brain
Believe it or not, reading help slows aging process, making you sleep better, which will better aid in making your look younger.You should engage in any mental activity. Like reading , learning new language, or puzzle will help with an active mind.
- Drink Tea
Sorry to all coffee drinkers, but results has shown that tea drinkers tend to live long and stay young .Tea contains antioxidant called 'ployphanols' which help fight heart disease, cancer and even aging.
Moreover other results has shown that regular taking of tea lead to a lower risk to Parkinson disease.
if your chose of tea is green tea, then be ready to see significant changes in your body and appearance. ( To see an effective results of slowing aging, take 4-6 cups of black tea and 3-5 cups of green tea).
- Eat antioxidant rich food
The quest for a youthful appearance, doesn't only depend on excerise, skincare or rejuvenating treatments. It also details strongly with the choice of food, you put in your body. - Get a anti aging skincare routine
Aloe Vera gel, diy mask, moisturize and sun screen are essential to maintain a youthful glow, in terms of 'skincare'.Daily skin care routine at home;
- Manage stress level
Stress not only effect mental and emotional well-being, it also can help speed up aging process, (making your skin to look dull and tried). To stop this, you must know how to manage stress level.One is by practicing mindfulness, which involves you to stay present in the moment and focus better on your thoughts and feelings.
Engage in relaxation, practice meditation and yoga to reduce and promote a peaceful mind. This practice is know for lowering the cortisol levels, hormones responsible for stress in the body. And increase endorphins, good feel-hormone.
Consider trying to figure out activity, that could help reduce stress level and bring calmness in your life. It could be listening to songs, writing, or even spending more time with nature.
- Laugh often
Smiling or laughing is considered an excerise for the face. when smiling or laugh, the mouth opens widely, allowing a moment of stretch and excerise around your facial area.
This helps you maintain a youthful look, considering that you are at the same time giving a 'facial massage' to your face.
- Stay hydrated
Dermatologist recommend taking at least eight glass of water (2liters) per day for optimal hydration.
If you struggle to keep up, then try taking other fluid like ; herbal tea and fresh juice to stay hydrated.
To stay mindful of staying younger, take water first thing in the morning, it will help flush harmful toxins you calcumlated from the pervious day, also helping you stay healthy and look young.
Also carry water around you wherever you go. Keep in mind that hydration is a top priority, and should be kept even during the colder months when hydration still occur. In doing so, your building up a healthy body and maintain a youthful look.
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- Stay socially active
At times, the simple way of of younger is been socially active. This is because, when you interact with people, instead of being idol, you tain to maintain an active mind, causing your brains to be active and not subject to the aging hormones.
Which keeps you in the stay of loneliness, congitve decline or sometimes even death.
- Incorporate Omega 3 fatty acids
As we know, omega 3 is know for their anti-inflammatory properties ( in other words, it decrease inflammation) which is also linked to aging signs like wrinkles.
Incorporating omega 3 fatty acids into your diet, you can boost collagen production and improve skin elasticity, resulting in a more youthful glow.
Daily Green tea face moisturizer
Regular -check-up :
Remember; aging is a normal process in human body. Love yourself they way you look. But if any cases occur that you are aging fast, then use the above tip to slow it down.
Which anti aging tips will you start doing?